
Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Raiden

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Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Raiden 4,0/5 228 reviews
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  2. Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Cheats

We currently don't have any Mortal Kombat: Deception achievement or trophy lists for Gamecube. Please check back at a later date for more achievements and trophies to be added. Please check back at a later date for more achievements and trophies to be added. Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft X-Box, Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation Portable. Release Dates: PlayStation 2, X-Box:October 4, 2004. GameCube:March 1, 2005. PlayStation Portable:April 1, 2006. Playable Kombatants: PlayStation 2, X-Box:24. Bosses: Sub-Boss:Noob-Smoke.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Menu mystery

At the start menu, press L1 to reset your profile. Note the three rows of scrolling words. Press X to change the word that appears in the top row. A different word will appear each time X is pressed. The word in the middle row seems to be random each time the menu is entered. The word in the bottom row is always 'Deception'. At this time, no known effect has been noticed by doing this, but it may be related to the rumored 'Super Unlockables' in the game.

Stage selection

At the character selection screen in versus or practice mode, press R1 to choose your battle stage.

Alternate costumes

At the character selection screen, press Start to choose your character's alternate costume. Note: You may first need to unlock the costume in the Krypt.

Random opponent selection

Enter practice mode and choose Scorpion. Then, highlight any opponent character on the top row and hold Up + Select for about five seconds.

Grabbing weapons

Go to Kombat mode then go to a level with a weapon. Then, press L2 near the weapon to pick it up. There will be a green square around the object to indicate that it is a weapon.

Easy wins

When fighting anyone except for Scorpion, press Up(3), Down, Up, Down, Circle(2), Triangle, Square(2). The opponent cannot block the move and it will take about half of their life away.

Easy fatalities

Go to a chess match. Once there and fighting, kill the opponent's leader with whoever you want to do the fatality with. If you defeat him or her, a fatality will automatically happen. Additionally, go to practice or arcade mode and pick Shujinko. Then, go to the Slaughter House level. When the match starts, knock your opponent down into the basement of the Slaughter House. Next, get on your opponent's side so that you are moving them back toward the death trap. Make sure not to push them all the way back. Next, pop them up into the air with Away, Triangle(2). Then, while in the air, do Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick. The last kick should send your opponent flying through the air and into the death trap. Once your opponent has been diced up into little pieces of flesh, it should say under your name. 13 Hits, 127% damage. You should have two hits from the pop-ups and ten from the bicycle kick making that 27% damage, and one from the death trap, which automatically kills your opponent and gives you 100% damage. Note: You must have Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick from Konquest mode.

Double death

Start versus mode with a friend. Select Falling Cliffs as your area of Kombat. Then, choose any two characters. Let the match begin. You will soon see that it is a circular platform, and that layers around the edges will begin to fall off every twenty to thirty seconds. Make sure that you and your friend are on a layer of an edge that will break off the platform. Once it breaks off, both characters will fall off the platform (just like when your punch or kick someone off). You will see both of the characters land on stone spikes. The one with the least health will lose the match, but both of your health bars will go down to 0. Also, If your both fall off the same time and have full health, player one will always be the winner of that match.

Ashrah puzzle fighter

Start a puzzle match with any character. At the loading screen, you will see Ashrah as a puzzle fighter fighting Ermac, but she is not selectable as a character in puzzle mode.

Hotaru puzzle fighter

Begin a puzzle match with any character. During the loading screen, you should see Scorpion fighting Hotaru in a puzzle match. Notice that Hotaru is not a selectable character for puzzle mode.

See old characters

Stay in the Krypt and move around for a while to see old characters such as Goro and Sheeva.

Sapphire Koins

After you complete Konquest mode, go to Orderrealm and find Movado walking around the central pyramid. He is dressed in all black. Complete his mission to get 500 Sapphire Koins. You will also get 500 Sapphire Koins each additional time you speak to him.

Getting Koins

In Konquest mode, characters that appear with a puff of smoke will hand over a very large sum of Koins. For example, Motaro will give you 1200 Gold Koins.

In Konquest mode, many characters will ask you to do missions for them, usually fetch-type tasks. Completing these missions usually will result in a good sum of Koins.

In Konquest mode, use Punching as a tool to get different responses from characters. For example, Mocap in Chaosrealm will say 'Ow my balls'. Also, punching certain characters will make them drop Koins.

If you have already completed Konquest mode, unlocked the graves in the Krypt with everything you have collected, and there are no more Koins to get in Konquest, create a new profile. Get all the Koins you need. Then, start a two player versus game. Load both profiles and press R1 to wager the desired Koins. You now no longer have any use for the second profile. Delete it, and continue.

Bypass Netherrealm bridge guard before completing Konquest mode

Take Netherrealm Kamidogu to the Nexus, then return to Netherrealmand. Push Ermac all the way to the bridge. Push him into the bridge guard. You can now run past the guard or enter training with Ermac then quit training, and be on the other side of the bridge.

Defeating the Dragon King

If you use Liu Kang against the Dragon King, all of Liu Kang's attacks will do double damage.

Defeating Onaga

One way to defeat Onaga is to get far away from him. He will either do a stomp attack or a fireball. Jump when he does the stomp and just evade the fireball. After a short time he will come after you. If you have any strong attacks, get ready. When he comes after you, you can usually get in a good shot or two. After hitting him, jump back quickly to avoid the punches or being grabbed. Try to stay close to the statues, but be careful. Shujinko's (Liu Kang's) Bicycle Kick works very well when he comes after you, and use sword attacks when he gets close. After awhile of playing, you can learn his patterns and better prepare yourself.

The Dragon King's arena is bordered evenly by all six pieces of the Kamidougu. The most effective way above all to defeat Onaga with any character is to back away from him, leaping over any ground attacks or projectiles he uses, then lure him towards the edge. Collecting a Kamidougu piece will stun Onaga for two seconds and even subtract from his health. Take advantage of this opportunity by unleashing your character's longest and most damaging combo, then back away when finished. Repeat this process using another Kamidougu icon. The most strategic way to do this is to aim for a back-to-back win, preserving three Kamidougu pieces for round one and the other three for round two. Additionally, if you use Liu Kang against the Dragon King, all of Liu Kang's attacks will do double damage.

Destroy all Kamidogos on round one. Use your character's longest combo from the first stance to the last stance, which is the weapon. Immediately after finishing your combo, press L1 and start the combo again. Repeat this combo until Onaga has been defeated.

Defeating Scorpion

When fighting Scorpion at the end of the game, continually strafe around him to dodge his specials, then attack when he has finished an attack of his own and is vulnerable. Also, try to save your Breakers, but use them when necessary.

The following trick is a very easy way to defeat the CPU, especially Scorpion for Shujinko's Spear move. Confront Scorpion and exit until you can fight him as Baraka. Do the 'Mutant Blades' move and the 'Chop Chop Blades' move every time he gets back up. You may need to switch up the rotation of the two specials, but the 'Mutant Blades' move (Forward, Forward, X) works most of the time when he is just getting back up. When you think he is going to attack at close range, then use the 'Chop Chop Blades' move (Down, Up, X). Save the game, go to the difficulty option, and set it on the easiest. This works because he is constantly healingm and if he hits you, he takes 300% damage.

Two Kiras

You must be half-way through Konquest mode to see this. When you are in Earthrealm and are out of the village and into the field , there will be some forests somewhere. Go to them after 6:00 p.m. If you go before that time, you will not see her. Go to a certain one (she sometimes appears somewhere else) and wait. You will soon see her just standing there, doing nothing. Then, go to the Chaosrealm and look in the graveyard. She will be walking around talking to herself because she does not know her identity.

Two Rains, two Jades, one Rain

In Konquest mode, in Edenia, find Rain. He will give you a mission to find a cave. Do as he says and find the cave at G-8. Once you are there, you will see a tent with Jade and two bodyguards on each side of her. She will reward you if you tell Rain about the cave so that she can ambush him. Go back to the place where you found Rain. Tell him about the cave and he will pay you about 300 to 600 Koins. Before he runs off to the cave, quickly punch him. This will make him stay in the same place instead of running to the cave. Then, go back to the cave where Jade is located. You will see Jade outside of the cave, with Rain on the ground by her side. Talk to her, and she will reward you. Then, go back to the tent inside of the cave, and she will be inside. Then go, to where you found Rain. He will not be there. Note: Once you finish the cave mission try to get a good angle so you can see the Jade next to Rain and the Jade at the tent at the same time.

Kolach Awakes

After you finished Konquest mode, go back to the Netherrealm. Before you move, press R1, which brings up a map of the realm. Go to the center of the realm to where you did the mission for Scorpion with catching Quan Chi. From there, go right until you see another platform smaller then the one in the center. You will see three people: Kabal, Kobra, and Kira. If you defeat them all, you will get a reward. When you fight Kabal, you will fight him in Dark Kombat. Make sure you get Kenshi as a good selection. Use his weapon and keep using his four hit combo (X, X, Triangle, Triangle). Then, fight Kobra. He is difficult to defeat. Each time he hits, you will lose one third or one half of your health. Try to use a long combo and dodge as much as you can. Try using Shujinko. When the match starts, let him attack you first, but make sure to dodge him and kick him in the air twice (Up, Circle) before he falls to the ground. Do his Hardcore combo listed under the Mantis style of fighting. After you have finished the combo, you should have gotten at least nine or ten hits in on him. Once you have killed him, go on to Kira. She is the most difficult of all of them. When you fight her, you are bleeding to death and she likes to block frequently. Make sure you get Baraka, Darrius, or Ashrah as a selection. If you are Darrius and the match starts, do your Tricky Kick. When you hit her, press L1(2) during the move so that you will have your Gauntlets on. If she blocks one of them, press Square, Triangle, Circle(3). This should stun her for awhile and allow you to get in another Tricky Kick. Do this until you kill her. If you are Baraka, hit her as soon as the match starts with Toward(2), X, which is one of Baraka's special moves. Then, quickly get close to her and press Away, X(2), which should pop her up into the air. While she is in the air, press X(2), Triangle, Square(2). This should hit her about six or seven times. Repeat this to defeat her. If you are Ashrah, quickly dodge one of her attacks then press, Up, Circle, to pop her up into the air. While she is in the air, press Triangle(2), Square, R1, X, Away, X. You will hit her about seven or eight times. Keep doing this until you defeat her. Once you have defeated Kabal, Kobra, and Kira, a portal will open, similar to the portal when you open it with a Kamidogu. Go through the portal and you should be back at the beginning of the realm. You should also see a chest with gold trim. Open it to get your reward. Note: All chests with gold trim have something to do with the characters. However, this chest is different from all the others. All your hard work has paid off with 1,000 Onyx Koins.


Havik can be found in a treasure chest in a house in the Chaosrealm at H-4.


After you have been captured and become an old man, or anytime after you have finished Konquest mode, go to Orderrealm, H-1. There a long bridge, and when it forks, take the fork until you can go no further. Meditate until the chest appears. Note: Whenever Meditation is used, always give it a full day for the chest to appear.


Kira can be found in a beach house treasure chest on Earthrealm, at H-2.

Li Mei

After you are caught by Kano in Outworld, she is in a house in F-7. You will see her as soon as you walk in, and she will disappear leaving you the key.

Liu Kang

Successfully complete Konquest mode. After the credits, go back into Konquest mode and go to Edenia. One you have reached Edenia, go towards G-8. It is a small mountain path that leads to a tent. Meditate behind the tent until it is Thursday night at 11 p.m. and wait until 12 midnight. A chest should appear, now that it is 12 a.m. Friday morning. Open it, and the key to Tomb OT will be yours, which unlocks Liu Kang.

Lui Kang's alternate costume

Go to Edenia H-5. It can only be found at 12 p.m. on the first of each month. Use R2 to auto target a full list of Koffins to find it.

Lui Kang passes through wall

Go to Edenia. Go to where Lui Kang is found during the night. Go to the left of the building and you can go behind it. Wait until about 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. You should see him pass through the wall. He will walk into the rock face, then return and go through the wall again. Also, you will see another person walk through it at 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.


In Orderrealm, there is a person who walks in the place near the most outer circle of the city. He is wearing motion capture clothes (used in movie and game production to create computerized characters). The costume has dots all over a blue background and covers everything except for his face. You cannot talk to him, but if you punch him he drops a key for a fighting style video.


After you finish Konquest mode, go to the Orderrealm, and go to E-3. Face Raiden to earn the key. You must have already finished Konquest mode or he will give you nothing but money.

Raiden's Stronger Sparky combo

Do the normal combo until the Circle, Up, Square portion. Instead of those buttons, press Circle, X. Do not wait to press X; press it immediately after Circle. This will make your opponent bounce in the air, allowing you to continue your combo. When your opponent is at the same level as Raiden's head, press Circle as many times as possible. This will give you a 12-hit combo and sometimes 40% damage. You can use this on Johnny Cage when you must do a 12-hit combo.

Greater side with Shujinko

When you face your opponent and do not like the side that your character is on, press the following to get on the other side safely while doing damage to your opponent. Press Up, Circle in the Mantis style. While in the air, quickly do Sub-Zero's Freeze move. At this time, your opponent should be up in the air. Then, if you froze your opponent high enough into the air, do Li Mei's Sliding Grab Kick. Shujinko should be able to slide under your opponent. Once you get to the other side, you should have enough time to pull off a big combo, Scorpion's Spear, or Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick.

Power combos with Shujinko

Note: You must have all or most of Shujinko's moves. First, make sure you are in Mantis. To start, use Sub-Zero's Freeze move to get a free shot in. While your opponent is frozen, press Away, Triangle for a pop-up attack. While in the air, do Scorpion's Spear. At this time, your opponent has hit the ground and the Spear has hit him, allowing you to continue the combo. Once you bring him toward you, press Square(2), Triangle, Away, Triangle. This should pop up your opponent in the air again. Next, do Ermac's Telekinetic Slam. Your opponent should bounce back to you. Before he hits the ground, press Square(3), L1, Triangle, Circle, X. After doing this, you should have performed an unseen combo which should give you 15 hits and about 35% damage. The second way to do this is as follows. The second combo is the same as the first, except instead of doing the Telekinetic Slam, do Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick. This would make it also 15 hits and about 35% damage. If you are lucky enough, when on a death trap level, the Bicycle Kick could put them in the trap and kill them. In Mantis style, press Up + Triangle for the pop up, then execute Lei Mei's flip kick, and quickly do Lu Kang's Bicycle Kick afterwards for a 41% damage combo.


In Konquest mode, go to the Netherrealm and head out to D-1. It should be a coliseum with lots of holes. Go straight back to the rock wall and meditate until the treasure chest appears. Note: Whenever Meditation is used, always give it a full day for the chest to appear.


In Outworldrealm, go to the ice cave at A-3. There should be a wall blocking your path inside. Meditate, and the chest will appear in front of the wall after a short time. Note: Whenever Meditation is used, always give it a full day for the chest to appear.

Netherrealm language

The Netherrealm people talk backwards. To hear what they say, record the voices and play them in reverse. A few examples of what they say are: 'Beware! Dimashi is the Dragon King!', 'I am talking backwards, sucky isn't it?', 'There are many realms', and 'It is said that John Vogal is a genius'.

Training mission locations
    Ashrah: Netherrealm C-6
    Baraka: Outworld G-4
    Bo Rai Cho: Earthrealm C-4
    Ermac: Netherrealm E-5
    Havik: Chaosrealm G-4
    Hotaru: Orderrealm G-4
    Kenshi: Earthrealm B-4
    Li Mei: Outworld G-8
    Mileena: Outworld F-2
    Nightwolf: Earthrealm D-5
    Scorpion: Netherrealm F-3
    Sindel: Edenia C-6
    Sub-Zero: Earthrealm G-8
Other missions

Successfully complete the game to unlock other missions, as follows:

    Dairou: Orderrealm A-3
    Darrius: Orderrealm C-8
    Jade: Edenia H-8
    Kabal: Netherealm G-5
    Kira: Chaosrealm A-3
    Kobra: Chaosrealm H-7
    Liu Kang: Earthrealm H-4
    Noob-Smoke: Chaosrealm B-8
    Raiden: Outworld F-2
    Tanya: Edenia E
Fatality distances

Some fatalities must be done at a specific distance, as indicated below:

    Close: As close as possible to opponent.
    Sweep: From close, tap Away(2).
    Outside Sweep: From sweep, tap Away once more.
    Far: Full screen away.

Fatality distances can be solved by using this trick; press L1 as soon as you see the words 'Finish Him' appear.

Characters' moves


    Heavenly Light: Press Down, Away, Circle.
    Lightning Blast: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
    Spin Cycle: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
    Nature's Torpedo: Press Toward(2), Circle.
    Fatality 1: Down(2), Up(2), Triangle (when close).
    Fatality 2: Toward, Down, Toward, Down, Triangle (Sweep).
    Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up(2), Triangle.


Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Raiden
    Flying Shard: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Mutant Blades: Press Toward(2), X.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up, Down, Triangle (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Toward, Down, Away, Toward, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Up, Away, Circle.

Bo Rai Cho

    Puke: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
    Monkey Flips: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Belly Bash: Press Toward(2), Circle.
    Earthquake: Press Toward, Away, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Down, Up, Toward(2), Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Away(2), Toward(2), Triangle.


    Tombstone Drop: Press Toward, Away, Down, Circle.
    Stealthy Shadows: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
    Iron Leg: Press Down, Away, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Down, Up, Away(2), Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Down(2), Away, Circle (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Away(3), Down, Square.


    Tricky Blast: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
    Twisty Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
    Chest Cruncher: Press Away, Toward, Square.
    Target Practice: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
    Fatality 1: Press Up, Down, Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Down(2), Away, X (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Away, Toward(2), Triangle.


    Mystic Float: Press Down, Up, X.
    Mystic Bomb: During the Mystic Float move, press Down, X.
    Dive Kick: During the Mystic Float move, press Toward, X.
    Telekinetic Throw: Press Toward, Away, Triangle.
    Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Circle.
    Hado-Energy: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Down, Away(2), Down, X (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Away, Down, Away, Down, Circle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up(2), Down, X.


    Torso Spin: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Diving Corpse: Press Down, Toward, Square.
    Crackling Legs Projectile: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
    Head Snap: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
    Corpse Taunt: Press Toward, Away, Circle.
    Fatality 1: Press Down, Toward(2), Up, Circle (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Toward(3), Away, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up(3), Triangle.


    Grasshopper: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
    Lave Burst: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Away, Up, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Down, Toward, Away, Toward, Triangle (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Up, Away(3), Triangle.


    Blazing Nitro Kick: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
    Dodging Shadows: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
    Vanishing Winds: Press Away, Toward, Square.
    Razor-Rang: Press Down, Away, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Up, Toward, Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Away, Toward(3), Triangle (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward(3), Away, Triangle.


    Raging Flash: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
    Plasma Blast: Press Down, Toward, Square.
    Nomad Touch: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up(3), X (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Up(2), Down(2), Triangle (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up(2), Down, Triangle.


    Mind Warp: Press Down, Away, X.
    Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Square.
    Telekinetic Toss: Press Down, Away, Circle.
    Telekinetic Push: Press Toward(2), Triangle.
    Tele-Fury: Press Away, Toward, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward(2), Away(2), Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Away, Toward(2), Away, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away(2), Toward, Circle.


    Black Dragon Ball: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
    Kiss of Death: Press Toward, Down, Away, Square.
    Night Shade: Press Down, Toward, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward(2), Away, Circle (Far).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Toward, Down, Away, X (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Away, Up, Away, X.


    Burning Fist: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
    Double Backflip Kick: Up, Circle(2).
    Windmill Kick: Press Toward, Down, Away, Circle.
    Tele-Punch: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
    Chi-Blast: Press Down, Toward, Square.
    Crouching Chi-Blast: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Down, Away, Toward, Down, Circle.
    Fatality 2: Forward, Away, Forward(2), Triangle (when close).

Li Mei

    Carnival Spin: Press Toward, Down, X.
    Flying Furry: Press Toward, Toward, Triangle.
    Flipping Heel Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
    Nova Blast: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward(4), Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward(2), Circle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up, Down, X.

Liu Kang

    Move 1: Press Toward(2), Square.
    Move 2: Press Toward(2), Triangle.
    Move 3: Press Toward(2), Circle.
    Move 4: Press Down, Toward, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Away(3), Toward, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward(2), Circle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down(3), Up, X.


    Rolling Thunder: Press Away, Down, Circle.
    Soaring Sai: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
    Kick From Above: Press Toward, Toward, Circle.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down(2), Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Up, Toward(2), X (Far).
    Hara Kiri: Press Away, Down, Toward, Down, Square.


    Lightning From Above: Press Down, Up, Square.
    Spirit Arrow: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Rhino Charge: Press Toward(2), Circle.
    Reflector: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
    Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Square (Far).
    Fatality 2: Press Down, Toward, Down, Up, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Up(4), X.

Noob Smoke

    Dark Assassin: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
    Death From Above: Press Toward(2), X.
    Dark Shadows: Press Down, Away, Circle.
    Darkness: Press Up, Down, Square.
    Smokeycut: Press Toward(2), Circle.
    We Live: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
    Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Square (Far).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Down(2), Toward, Triangle (as Smoke outside sweeping range)
    Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up(2), Down, Triangle.


    Flying Thunder God: Press Forward(2), Circle.
    Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Shocking Touch: Press Forward(2), Triangle.
    Static Teleport: Press Down, Up, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Away, Down, Toward, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Down, Toward(2), Square (Far).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up(2), Away, Square.


    Awayflip Kick: Press Toward, Away, X.
    Bloody Spear: Press Away, Toward, Square.
    Hellfire: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
    Teleport Attack: Press Down, Away, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down, Toward(2), Square (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Toward, Away, Toward, Away, Square (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up(2), Away, Square.


    Bike Kicks (Lui Kang's Bicycle Kick): Press Toward(2), Circle.
    Flaming Fist: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
    Flying Jinko: Press Toward(2), Triangle.
    Flip Scissor Kick: Press Down, Away, X.
    Icy Breeze: Press Down, Toward, Square.
    Slide (Sindel's Foot Grab): Press Toward, Away, X.
    Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Circle.
    Throw Spear (Scorpions Bloody Spear): Press Away, Toward, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Up, Down(2), Toward, Triangle (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Away, Up, Toward(2), Square (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Down, Away, X.

Go to the following locations to unlock all of Shujinko's moves:

    Bicycle Kick: Chaosrealm G-4 between 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Sunday
    Ermac Slam: Edenia C-8 Wednesday at 5 p.m.
    Flip Kick: Orderrealm E-1 at 11 a.m.
    Foot Grab: Edenia D-8 at 2 to 3 a.m. on Monday (behind house)
    Freeze: Orderrealm F-5 at 11 a.m. on Wednesday (in building)
    Kobra Fist: Edenia G-6 (behind building)
    Scorpion Spear: Edenia A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
    Torpedo: Directly in front of Edenia Portal
    Fatality 1: Outword C-8 (in cave)
    Fatality 2: Orderrealm D-4 at 9 a.m.


    Banshee Scream: Press Toward(2), Square.
    Star Screamer: Press Toward(2), Square.
    Sliding Foot Grab: Press Away, Toward, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward(2), Away, Square (when in sweeping range).
    Fatality 2: Press Up(2), Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up(2), Down, Circle.


    Ice Clone: Press Down, Away, Square.
    Freeze Ball: Press Down, Toward, X.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Away, Down, Toward, Triangle (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Away, Down, Away, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up, Down, Up, Triangle.


    Human Cannon Drill: Press Toward(2), Triangle.
    Air Fire Blast: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
    Surging Blast: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
    Split Flip Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
    Find Me: Press Up, Down, Square.
    Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down(3), Square (when close).
    Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward, Up, Triangle (when close).
    Hara Kiri: Press Down(2), Toward, Up, X.
Krypt Keys
ResultCost or location
Quan Chi Attack art 221 Sapphire
Golden Desert arena E-2 Netherrealm
297 Gold Koins 63 Sapphire
Edenia Realm Map art 148 Platinum
371 Jade Koins 137 Platinum
Chou Jaio video Punch Mocap at C-6 Orderrealm
Puzzle Fighter Ladder art 121 Ruby
Torture concept art 159 Ruby
Kabal Storyboard art 201 Gold
Sindel alternate biography 186 Sapphire
Konquest Layout art 127 Sapphire
Liu Kang Tomb Render art 227 Platinum
Nightwolf alternate costume A-4 Netherrealm
Noob Storyboard art 179 Sapphire
Scorpion Kata Test video 612 Onyx
MK4 Scorpion Render art 202 Platinum
Jade alternate biography 352 Platinum
Ermac Early concept art 192 Ruby
Sub-Zero alternate biography C-3 Earthrealm
Sindel Storyboard art 155 Platinum
Kira Storyboard art 193 Sapphire
MK4 3D Test video 681 Platinum
Dragon King Render art 108 Sapphire
602 Sapphire Koins 117 Gold
MK Chess concept art 213 Platinum
Scorpion vs Sub-Zero art 113 Onyx
297 Sapphire Koins 352 Ruby
Liu Kang's Tomb arena Bridge at Earthrealm H-6 at 4 a.m. on Friday
Liu Kang biography Complete Konquest mode, then go to Earthrealm H-4 at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and look in the bigger building behind Liu Kang's Ghost
Chamber Death Trap concept art 198 Gold
4 Player concept art 106 Platinum
Evil Yin Yang concept art 87 Jade
659 Platinum Koins 97 Gold
Nightwolf concept art 88 Onyx
Bo' Rai Cho alternate biography 269 Ruby
Live at Kuatan music E-5 Netherealm
Nethership Stern art 227 Sapphire
461 Gold Koins 129 Ruby
Chess Kombat concept art 56 Jade
Arcade Select music 488 Onyx
722 Ruby Koins 202 Gold
374 Gold Koins 338 Platinum
Beetle Lair music A-6 Earthrealm
Beetle Lair concept art 212 Onyx
Dariou alternate biography 422 Jade
Weapon concept art 178 Platinum
Raiden Torpedo Shujinko's Move E-5 Edenia
254 Sapphire Koins 154 Gold
Li Mei concept art 210 Sapphire
Falling Cliffs concept art 135 Gold
Chamber of Artifacts Lower Level art 101 Jade
Raiden Lightning Test art 1004 Jade
Undead General art 177 Platinum
Havik's alternate costume 1114 Jade
Dragon King's Throne art 256 Platinum
Carlos Pesina photo 267 Jade
Ermac Storyboard art 255 Gold
150 Gold Koins 125 Ruby
Martial Arts Moifah video 521 Platinum
Jim Terdina photo 781 Gold
Kabal's alternate costume Complete Konquest mode and Kabal's mission, then proceed to fight Kabal at Chaosrealm B-1
Shujinko biography 331 Onyx
Havik concept art 176 Ruby
Shujinko's Foot Grab move Edena D-8 Monday 12:00 a.m. behind house
Ermac alternate concept art 207 Sapphire
Falling Cliffs concept art 205 Ruby
Danny Guitierrez photo 111 Platinum
Chaos Realm concept art 143 Ruby
Tanya unlocked A-3 Outworld
Sub-Zero Promotional Render art 185 Jade
Outworld Guard House art 137 Sapphire
Shang Tsung's Destroyed Palace art 255 Onyx
Noob-Smoke unlocked 3643 Onyx
Li Mei Storyboard art 177 Gold
Dragon Mountain arena H-8 Outworld
Tanya biography 306 Platinum
Slaughterhouse Sketch art 66 Onyx
Marketing and Media Team photo 601 Platinum
Living Forest arena 1694 Sapphire
Cinematic Scorpion art 301 Sapphire
Ermac Masked concept art 207 Platinum
Ed Boon photo 144 Sapphire
Portal Arena music 871 Jade
Order Realm City Center art 215 Platinum
Ashrah's alternate costume Complete Konquest mode then go to H-4 Netherealm
Shujinko Promo Render art 236 Platinum
Thank You! art 291 Ruby
Nethership Interior map 245 Onyx
Nethership Hanging Bodies art 165 Sapphire
Noob-Smoke alternate costume 1494 Platinum
Slaughterhouse Death Trap art 288 Gold
Dairou Storyboard art 199 Jade
Raiden's alternate costume Train with Raiden at Outworld, then go to Edenia F-3
Falling Cliffs Fatality art 294 Onyx
Opening Movie Animatic video 793 Platinum
Falling Cliffs Fatality art 227 Sapphire
Voice Actors photo 316 Onyx
Liu Kang's alternate costume Edenia H-5, first day of month at 12 p.m. in tree area south side of waterfall
Sektor and Smoke art 234 Onyx
Mileena concept art 141 Jade
Hotaru Character Sketch art 206 Ruby
Martial Arts Monkey video 565 Onyx
Old Shujinko concept art 217 Onyx
MK Mythologies video 628 Ruby
Liu Kang's Tombs concept art 301 Sapphire
Raiden Character Studies art 116 Ruby
Outworld Chess concept art 222 Gold
Game Balance Testers photo 138 Platinum
Martial Arts Zha Chuan video 596 Gold
Red Dragon Sword art 153 Sapphire
Cliffhanger concept art 293 Platinum
Player Capture concept art 126 Jade
Cinematic Team photo 154 Sapphire
Hua Chuan video Earthrealm E-2
Sky Temple concept art 456 Jade
378 Ruby Koins 107 Sapphire
Quan Chi's Realm Detail art 198 Gold
Double Character concept art 288 Onyx
Slaughterhouse concept art 122 Ruby
418 Platinum Koins 224 Jade
Baraka alternate biography Earthrealm A-3
Noob-Smoke alternate biography 390 Sapphire
Jade alternate costume G-4 Outworld
Mileena Storyboard art 133 Ruby
Jon Vogel Painting art 216 Gold
Kuatan Palace arena In a house at A-4 Orderrealm
Quan Chi' Skull Wall video 610 Ruby
Raiden Promotional Render art 299 Sapphire
Kira concept art 182 Ruby
San Diego Creative Team photo 251 Ruby
Hotaru's alternate biography 267 Gold
Darrius concept art 99 Sapphire
Mileena (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked Netherrealm C-6 at 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. behind Shinok, to the left behind the building
Chaos Realm Water Center art 217 Ruby
Jade (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked 2911 Ruby
Portal arena G-5 Earthrealm
MK4 Sonya art 154 Sapphire
Jon Greenberg photo 209 Gold
Kira biography 202 Sapphire
Sexy Mileena art 217 Sapphire
Adisak Pochanayon photo 186 Onyx
Yin Yang (Puzzle) arena D-1 Earthrealm
Yin Yang Statue art 111 Gold
Jennifer Hedrick photo 168 Ruby
434 Gold Koins 173 Onyx
Shujinko Sword concept art 183 Gold
434 Jade Koins 317 Gold
Sareena Render art 54 Jade Konis
Noob-Smoke biography 312 Gold
Tiles of Death and Whimsy music Chaosrealm E-7 in a house
Sub-Zero Render art 668 Jade
Mileena alternate costume From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at F-7 Earthrealm
Scorpion concept art 136 Ruby
Tanya Character Studies art 194 Jade
Scorpion wire frame from MK4 art 172 Ruby
Sindel Character Study art 156 Platinum
Liu Kang's Tomb (Puzzle) arena 1515 Jade
Outworld Cottage art 401 Onyx
Herman Sanchez photo 213 Platinum
361 Jade Koins 324 Sapphire
MKGold Baraka and Mileena art 144 Jade
Bo' Rai Cho alternate costume 2086 Onyx
Animation Sketches art 243 Sapphire
Shujinko's Spear move A-1 Edenia, defeat Scorpion
Darrius Promo Render art 216 Sapphire
User Interface Team photo 682 Ruby
Mian Chuan video E-8 Netherrealm
MK Deception Teaser Trailer video 556 Jade
Konquest Production art 200 Sapphire
Quan Chi's Realm Portal art 144 Sapphire
Arena Weapon concept art 224 Platinum Koins
Slaughterhouse concept art 199 Ruby
286 Ruby Koins 133 Platinum
Shujinko's Ice Blast Orderrealm E-5 in a building at 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday
Good Yin Yang concept art 194 Platinum
Kobra alternate costume Fight Kobra at G-2 Earthrealm
Dragon King Ending Part 2 art 139 Onyx
Jade Storyboard art 256 Jade
Raiden Solid Model art 164 Gold
Information Technology photo 189 Sapphire
Jim Bulvan photo 324 Onyx
Jay Biondo photo 29 Ruby
Nethership Fight Intro art 376 Sapphire
Nightwolf Storyboard art 186 Ruby
Mythologies Bloopers video 793 Sapphire
Noob alternateernate concept art 217 Platinum
357 Onyx Koins 175 Ruby
Baraka Render art 235 Platinum
Dead Pool arena 2191 Ruby
Early Promo art 200 Platinum
Kenshi alternate biography 245 Jade
Tanya from MK4 art 63 Onyx
Baraka vs Mileena Animatic video 640 Jade
John Nocher photo 159 Sapphire
Shujinko's alternate costume Edenia F1 at 3:30 a.m. to 4 a.m. on Tuesday, located inside a building
Scorpion Storyboard art 134 Jade
Nexus arena A-4 Chaosrealm; go around to the outside corner of the cliff where the other chest is and wait from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. It appears on the right side of the other chest
Deadly Alliance Exhibit art 187 Ruby
Havik unlocked In a house at H-4 Chaosrealm
MK Mythologies Sub Zero Dies video 804 Gold
Tanya alternate biography 253 Jade
Noob concept art 225 Sapphire
Shujinko's slam move Edenia C-8 Wednesday 5:00 p.m.
Art Crew photo 212 Onyx
Sindel Promo Render art 178 Sapphire
Quan Chi Realm Approach art 260 Gold
Raiden alternate biography Train with Raiden at Outworld, then go to Outworld G-1 at 5 p.m.
Liu Kang's Tomb concept art 273 Onyx
Scorpion alternate costume In the town at B-6 Earthrealm
477 Sapphire Koins 161 Onyx
Shujinko's suicide move Earthrealm A-8, in the cave on 16th of every month between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.
Shang Tsung Attack art 200 Gold
242 Platinum Koins 145 Ruby
Shujinko 'Powerfist' From 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. at Edenia G-6
Quan Chi Cinema Model art 186 Ruby
John Podalesak photo 401 Gold
MK Mythologies video 683 Onyx
Ashrah Character concept art 145 Gold
Kabal alternate biography 233 Onyx
Liu Kang's Tomb music Earthrealm C-7
Facial Animation Test art 165 Ruby
Brian Le Baron photo 170 Onyx
489 Jade Koins 182 Onyx
Shang Tsung's Chess concept art 67 Jade
Nightwolf alternate biography 265 Platinum
Shujinko's Fatality 1 Outworld C-8 in cave
Face Damage Demo art 155 Gold
297 Jade Koins 217 Sapphire
Animation Sketches art 206 Sapphire
Edenia Realm House art 196 Ruby
Ashrah concept art 170 Onyx Konis
Havik biography 398 Sapphire
Luis Mangubat photo 178 Gold
Baraka Storyboard art 232 Gold
Hotaru biography 342 Jade
Tools Group photo 136 Platinum
MK Universe Logo art 125 Sapphire
299 Ruby Koins 201 Jade
Dragon King Face art 200 Jade
Konquest Mission Maps art 200 Platinum
Raiden unlocked Orderrealm E-3
Mike Boon photo 639 Jade
Fatality concept art 280 Onyx
Order Realm City Center art 99 Jade
Darrius Character concept art 66 Jade
Noob Saibot Demo art 385 Jade
Nethership Plan art 192 Platinum
Sindel's alternate costume Outworld H-6 in hut behind Frost at 2:45 p.m. on Friday
Kabal (Puzzle) unlocked 2425 Platinum
Chaos Realm Ruins art 139 Sapphire
Kira alternate biography 283 Platinum
Tanya alternate costume Fight Tanya at Outworld C-2
Shujinko alternate biography Chaosrealm G-8
Dragon King Ending Part 1 art 164 Gold
Dragon King's Temple arena Chaosrealm D-7 in house at 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Quan Chi voice test 815 Sapphire
Mary Qian photo 128 Onyx
Dark Prison music In a house at Earthrealm C-3
Raiden Demise video 528 Platinum
Mike Taran photo 529 Onyx
476 Onyx Koins 126 Jade
Sky Temple concept art Unknown
Nigel Casey photo 148 Gold
Bo' Rai Cho (Puzzle) unlocked C-6 Earthrealm
Scorpion Render art 196 Platinum
Li Mei biography 281 Ruby
Ashrah Render art 166 Sapphire
461 Onyx Koins 144 Platinum Koins
Scorpion's Katana art 227 Jade
Kombo Krusher music 561 Gold
Jon Vogel photo 245 Jade
357 Gold Koins 105 Jade
Rock Crusher Death Trap art 129 Sapphire
Nightwolf Promo Render art 499 Ruby
Liu Kang's Tomb concept art 188 Gold
325 Ruby Koins 144 Onyx
Bo' Rai Cho Storyboard art 243 Gold
348 Sapphire Koins 115 Ruby
Nick Shin photo 124 Ruby
Netherrealm Shull Rock art 162 Onyx
Sub-Zero Storyboard art 128 Onyx
Courtyard arena A-1 Netherrealm
Outworld Map art 211 Sapphire
Hell's Foundry art 209 Platinum
Slaughterhouse Render art 152 Platinum
Shujinko 'Flip Kick' Orderrealm D-1
322 Sapphire Koins 148 Jade
Sky Temple Elevation art 178 Jade
Jade unlocked 2417 Jade
Hotaru unlocked Orderrealm H-1
Silat video Chaosrealm B-1
Online Team photo 211 Platinum Koins
Noob and Smoke Demo art 181 Onyx
Kenshi unlocked Earthrealm E-4 (unknown time requirement)
Commercial 452 Platinum Koins
Kobra Storyboard art 282 Sapphire
Quan Chi Fortress arena In a house at Orderrealm H-5
Alan Villani photo 272 Sapphire
Havik alternate biography 395 Ruby
Liu Kang Complete Konquest mode, go to Edenia G-8 Friday 12:00 a.m. to 12:05 a.m. behind the tent
Raiden concept art 346 Jade
Nightwolf and Sonya from MK3 art 194 Gold
Goju Ryu video 592 Sapphire
Li Mei unlocked In a house at Outworld F-7
Nethership Interior art 212 Ruby
Kenshi Storyboard art 260 Ruby
Paulo Garcia photo 45 Jade
Wheel of Death Concept art 188 Jade
Ashrah Storyboard art 280 Sapphire
Ermac alternate biography 254 Gold
Pav Kovacic photo 128 Jade
Slaughterhouse Death Trap art 255 Onyx
Outworld Map art 312 Onyx
Noob concept art 161 Sapphire
Konquest Missions Team photo 227 Ruby
Raiden (Puzzle) unlocked 3604 Gold
Animation Sketches art 103 Onyx
Kenshi biography 288 Gold
Shujinko's kick move Chaosrealm G-4, 2:00 a.m. on Sunday
Shinnok from MK4 art 171 Sapphire
Quality Assurance, Chicago photo 467 Sapphire
463 Platinum Koins 189 Sapphire
Havik concept art 169 Platinum
Darrius alternate biography 392 Gold
Chaosrealm concept art 178 Gold
Nethership Cross Section art 126 Gold
Chamber of Artifacts Render art 210 Gold
Li Mei alternate biography 296 Onyx
Dairou's alternate costume Chaosrealm D-8
Chaos Realm Koffins art 207 Ruby
Liu Kang Storyboard art Chaosrealm F-7
348 Jade Koins 134 Ruby
Animation Sketches art 377 Jade
Ashrah alternate biography 324 Sapphire
Scorpion Pawn art 197 Sapphire
Ermac alternate costume Netherrealm A-8
Quality Assurance, San Diego photo 374 Jade
227 Gold Koins 123 Platinum
Nethership Bow art 231 Platinum
Hotaru alternate costume 1064 Ruby
Dragon King Storyboard art 169 Platinum
258 Ruby Koins 215 Onyx
Midway Media, Chicago photo 263 Platinum Koins
Frozen Katakombs art 167 Platinum
Mileena alternate biography Earthrealm F-6
Sub-Zero concept art 213 Gold
Young Shujinko art 288 Sapphire
397 Onyx Koins 163 Gold
Sky Temple concept art 320 Onyx
Falling Cliffs Fatality art 159 Jade
Sludge Pit concept art 148 Sapphire
Beetle Lair Attack art 166 Gold
Sub-Zero's alternate costume From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Earthrealm F-8, small path
Alexander Barrentine photo 137 Gold
343 Platinum Koins 124 Jade
Jade biography 258 Jade
Evil Yin Yang concept art 131 Sapphire
Ryan Rosenberg photo 88 Gold
Dead Pool Arena music 398 Platinum
Scorpion alternate biography Earthrealm D-4
Raiden biography Earthrealm C-4
Steve Beran photo 327 Platinum
Kenshi alternate costume Earthrealm A-6
Deception Preview video 675 Platinum
Liu Kang alternate biography Orderrealm G-5
Good Yin Yang concept art 167 Onyx
Kira alternate costume 990 Sapphire
Kira unlocked Earthrealm H-2 in house
Jade Character Studies art 244 Gold
Sindel unlocked Netherrealm D-1 at 9:00 p.m. Thursday
Bo' Rai Cho art 52 Onyx
Val Tudo video 615 Ruby
Edenia Realm Palace art 195 Gold
Shujinko Character concept art 155 Jade
Sound Team photo 198 Jade
Baraka concept art 244 Sapphire
Shujinko Fatality 2 Orderrealm D-4
Baraka alternate costume 2252 Gold
Production Assistance photo 219 Ruby
Chess Piece concept art 298 Ruby
Todd Allen photo 104 Jade
Darrius alternate costume In a small hut at Outworld F-8 at 10 a.m. on Friday
Living Forest music 682 Sapphire
Noob Demo Version 2 289 Platinum
Li Mei's alternate costume Defeat Li Mei at Orderrealm A-5
434 Onyx Koins 150 Sapphire
Tony Goskie photo 135 Onyx
Havik concept art 257 Jade
Sindel biography 269 Onyx
Death Trap Chamber art 239 Sapphire
MK Deception Trailer Animatic 547 Ruby
Golden Desert music Netherrealm City D-8
MK4 Promo art 191 Onyx
Early Quan Chi art 191 Onyx
Tony Zeffiro photo 126 Gold
Kobra alternate biography 283 Onyx
Lower Mines Death Trap art 274 Gold
Kenshi puzzle fighter In shrine at Earthrealm F-4
Taaron Silverstien photo 365 Sapphire
Choy Lay Fut video Edenia F-4, in the house

All Mortal Kombat Deception Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide, Cheats and Secrets

Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Raiden 2

Looking for Mortal Kombat: Deception Fatalities and cheats? Such as how to unlock the game’s hidden characters. Well you can find out how to do all of that in this handy guide for the second installment of the Mortal Kombat series on last-gen consoles.

Table of Contents

Index of Mortal Kombat Guides:

  • This Page: Mortal Kombat: Deception Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat 2 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat 3 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat 4 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat Gold Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat Trilogy Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • New Page: Mortal Kombat 2011 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide
  • Note: A1 refers to “Attack Button” 1. 1 is Square, 2 is Triangle, 3 is X, 4 is Circle. These should work on Xbox & GameCube as well, just hit the corresponding “Attack Button”. “Hara Kiri” refers to a new “Suicide” Finisher that allows you to kill yourself before your opponent can finish you off (pun intended).

    Ashrah Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, A2 (Close)
    Fatality 2: FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, A2 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: UP, DOWN, UP, UP, A2

    Baraka Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, UP, DOWN, A2 (Close)
    Fatality 2: FORWARD, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, A2 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, BACK, UP, BACK, A4

    Bo’ Rai Cho Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: DOWN, UP, FORWARD, FORWARD, A2 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: UP, BACK, FORWARD, A3 (Sweep)

    Dairou Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: DOWN, UP, BACK, BACK, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: DOWN, DOWN, BACK, A3 (Close)
    Hara Kiri: BACK, BACK, BACK, DOWN, A1

    Darrius Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: UP, DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, A3 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, UP, A1 (Close)

    Ermac Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: DOWN, BACK, BACK, DOWN, A3 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: BACK, DOWN, BACK, DOWN, A4 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, A3

    Havik Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, UP, A4 (Close)
    Fatality 2: FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, A2 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, UP, A2

    Hotaru Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, UP, BACK, DOWN, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: DOWN, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A2 (Close)
    Hara Kiri: UP, BACK, BACK, BACK, A2

    Jade Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, UP, FORWARD, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, A2 (Close)

    Kabal Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, UP, UP, UP, A3 (Close)
    Fatality 2: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, A2 (Close)
    Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, DOWN, A2

    Kenshi Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, BACK, A2 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: UP, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A2 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A4 (Sweep)

    Kira Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, A4 (Far)
    Fatality 2: UP, FORWARD, DOWN, BACK, A3 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: FORWARD, BACK, UP, BACK, A3

    Kobra Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: DOWN, BACK, FORWARD, DOWN, A4 (close)
    Fatality 2: FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, A2 (close)
    Hara Kiri: UP, BACK, BACK, A2

    Li Mei Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: UP, BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, A4 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, A3

    Liu Kang Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, BACK, BACK, FORWARD, A2 (sweep)
    Fatality 2: FORWARD, FORWARD, UP, UP, A3 (sweep)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, UP, A3

    Mileena Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: UP, UP, FORWARD, FORWARD, A3 (Far)
    Hara Kiri: BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, BACK, A1

    Nightwolf Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A1 (Far)
    Fatality 2: DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, UP, A2 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: UP, UP, UP, UP, A3

    Noob-Smoke Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, A4 (Sweep – Noob)
    Fatality 2: UP, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, A2 (Sweep – Smoke)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, A4

    Raiden Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, A1 (sweep)
    Fatality 2: UP, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, A1 (far)
    Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, BACK, A1

    Scorpion Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, DOWN, FORWARD, FORWARD, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, BACK, A1 (Close)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, DOWN, UP, BACK, A1

    Shujinko Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: UP, DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, A3 (Close)
    Fatality 2: BACK, UP, FORWARD, FORWARD, A1 (Close)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, BACK, DOWN, BACK, A3
    (Note: These Fatalities must be unlocked to perform them)

    Sindel Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: BACK, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, A1 (Sweep)
    Fatality 2: UP, UP, BACK, FORWARD, A3 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: FORWARD, UP, UP, DOWN, A4

    Sub-Zero Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, A2 (Close)
    Fatality 2: BACK, DOWN, FORWARD, DOWN, A1 (Sweep)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, A2

    Tanya Moves and Fatalities

    Fatality 1: FORWARD, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, A1 (Close)
    Fatality 2: UP, BACK, FORWARD, UP, A2 (Close)
    Hara Kiri: DOWN, DOWN, FORWARD, UP, A3

    Mortal Kombat: Deception – Fatality Theater (All Fatalities Video) [thx to mkfan786]

    Mortal Kombat: Deception – Hara Kiri Suicides Theater (All Hara Kiri Video) [thx to mkfan786]

    Mortal Kombat: Deception – Death Trap Theater (All Death Traps Video) [thx to DKLacy]


    1. How to unlock Havik – Found in a treasure chest on map H-4 In Choasrealm in Konquest (check the houses).
    2. How to unlock Hotaru – Found in a treasure chest at point H-1 in Orderealm after 4AM.
    3. How to unlock Jade – Open Koffin OI using 2,417 Jade Koins in Krypt.
    4. How to unlock Kenshi – Found in a treasure chest on map E-4 In Earthrealm in Konquest.
    5. How to unlock Kira – Found in a treasure chest at point H-2 in Earthrealm between 7-9pm.
    6. How to unlock Li Mei – Find her in a house in outworld (Area F-7).
    7. How to unlock Liu Kang – Found in a treasure chest at point G-8 in Edenia at 12AM Friday Morning behind the tent.
    8. How to unlock Noob Smoke – Open Koffin DM using 3,642 Onyx Koins in Krypt.
    9. How to unlock Raiden – Defeat Him at Point E-3 in Orderrealm After Finishing Konquest Mode.
    10. How to unlock Shujinko – Finish Konquest Mode.
    11. How to unlock Sindel – Found in a treasure chest at point D-1 in Netherrealm (1-4 am).
    12. How to unlock Tanya – Found in a treasure chest at point A-3 in Outworld between 7-9pm.


    1. Ashrah – Found in a chest H-4 Netherrealm around 7:00 pm
    2. Baraka – Open Koffin SR with 2252 Gold Koins
    3. Bo Rai Cho – Open Koffin IB with 2086 Onyx Koins
    4. Dairou – D-8 Chaosrealm. 8 pm Beat Konquest first.
    5. Darrius – Found in a treasure chest in a house in F8 in Outworld.
    6. Ermac – Found in a chest A-8 Netherrealm
    7. Ermac – Found in a treasure chest in A-8 in Netherrealm
    8. Havik – Open Koffin CN with 1114 Onyx Koins
    9. Hotaru – Open Koffin QT with 1064 Ruby Koins
    10. Jade – Found in a chest G-4 Outworld
    11. Kabal – Found in a chest B-1 Chaosrealm (Fight Kabal)
    12. Kenshi – Found in a chest A-6 Earthrealm
    13. Kira – Open Koffin SG with 990 Sapphire Koins
    14. Kobra – Defeat Kobra on the beach in Earthrealm
    15. Li Mei – Defeat Li Mei around 11am at Blue town in Orderrealm
    16. Liu Kang – Found in area H-5 of Edenia at 12 PM the first day of every month.
    17. Mileena – Found in a treasure chest at point F-7 in earthrealm after 7pm behind a tent
    18. Nightwolf – Defeat Nightwolf near the castle walls in Netherrealm.
    19. Noob – Smoke – Open Koffin EJ with 1494 Platinum Koins
    20. Raiden – Found in a chest F-3 Edenia (Fight Raiden)
    21. Scorpion – Found in a treasure chest in the first city in Konquest
    22. Shujinko – Found in area F-1 in Edenia. Inside the double doors on the side of the palace, on a Tuesday at 3AM.
    23. Sindel – Found in a chest H-6 Outworld
    24. Sub-Zero – Found in a chest F-8 Earthrealm
    25. Sub-Zero – Found in a treasure chest in F-8 in Earthrealm at 7PM-9PM
    26. Tanya – Defeat Tanya near the Ice Cave in Outworld.



    1. Beetle Lair – Found in a treasure chest at point A-6 in Earthrealm after finishing Konquest.
    2. Courtyard – Treasure chest in netherrealm (Area A-1).
    3. Dead Pool – Open Koffin JI with 2191 Ruby Koins.
    4. Dragon King – In chaos realm at 4am on a Sunday check one of the huts at D-7.
    5. Dragon Mountain – Found in a treasure chest at point H-8 in Outworld.
    6. Golden Desert – Treasure chest in neatherrealm (area E-2).
    7. Kuatan Palace – Found in a treasure chest at point A-4 in Orderrealm.
    8. Liu Kang’s Tomb – At the end of the bridge in earthrealm after fighting Jax (Area H-6).
    9. Living Forest – Open Koffin DS with 1694 Sapphire Koins.
    10. Nexus – Treasure chest in choasrealm (Area A-4, 3am).
    11. Portal – Treasure chest in earthrealm (area G-5).
    12. Quan Chi’s Fortress – Found in a treasure chest at point H-5 in Orderrealm.
    13. Shang Tsung’s Courtyard – Found in a treasure chest at point A-1 in Neatherrealm.

    Unlockable Puzzle Fighters

    1. Bo’ Rai Cho – Open Koffin ND – Key from Chest in Earthrealm at C6.
    2. Jade – Open Koffin GO – 2,911 Ruby Coins.
    3. Kabal – Open Koffin MI – 2,425 Platinum Coins.
    4. Kenshi – Open Koffin TR – Key from Chest in Earthrealm at G4.
    5. Mileena – Open Koffin GM – Key from Chest in Netherrealm at C6.
    6. Raiden – Open Koffin PP – 3,604 Gold Coins.

    Unlockable Shujinko Moves

    1. Bike Kicks – ChaosRealm G-4 (Sunday at 12 AM)
    2. Fatality 1 – Outworld C-8 (Area behind Rain)
    3. Fatality 2 – OrderRealm D-4
    4. Flip Scissor Kick – OrderRealm D-1
    5. Flying Jinko – Edenia E-5
    6. Hara Kiri – EarthRealm (A-8, the 16th of the month at midnight, inside the little cave)
    7. Icy Breeze – OrderRealm F-5 (Inside Building at 6 am)
    8. Opponent Slam – Wednesday in Edenia C-8 (5 PM)
    9. Power Fist – Edenia G-6 (Behind Building, 11AM)
    10. Slide – Edenia D-8 (Behind house 3 AM Monday)
    11. Throw Spear – Edenia A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)

    Mortal Kombat Deception Gamecube Cheats

    How To Activate Random Select

    While on the Character Select Screen, press UP and A/Start while highlighting Scorpion. This will randomize and automatically select a character for you (PS2: Hold UP and press Start. GCN?)

    How To Activate Level Select

    While at the Character Select Screen, press the BLACK button to select your unlocked Arenas on Xbox1. (PS2: R1, GCN?)
    Note: This only works on Versus and Practice Mode.

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