
Dvdx Wad Installer Usb

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Dvdx Wad Installer Usb 3,1/5 7240 reviews
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Installing DARKCORP is currently not recommended due to brick potential.
We highly recommend to use USB loaders (or even Disc based loaders) instead.

DARKCORP (previously known as cIOSCORP) is an application that allows you to play backups from the disc channel, without a modchip. Note that the games will still run at 3x speed instead of 6x (originals).
The theory behind DARKCORP is quite simple: If you want to run a backup, you need a cIOS to do so. So basically, all what DARKCORP does is to replace most of your IOS by cIOS. So, whatever cIOS the game needs, it will always be there!

The steps below are dangerous to do and can permanently brick your Wii. Be sure that you fully understand what you are doing!



  • An SD card (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above) or USB device formatted to FAT(32).
  • A cIOS Installed

We cannot provide you with direct links to the needed files for DARKCORP v1.1 Full (aka. cIOSCORP 4.0) as the pack contains illegal files.
You can mail the auto-responding bot at darkcorp@thewebpost.net to get the download links for the full version.
Here's the link to the DARKCORP v1.0 Lite (no wads or extras, but legal):
IOS56 and IOS58 are only available in the Full version (not the Lite version).
Extras (only available in the Full version):
cmios (WiiGator)= mios v4 with WiiGator's GC Backup Launcher 0.2 embedded into it.
cmios (Waninkoko)= Waninkoko's cmios rev5, but uses mios v4 as a base, instead of mios v5.
DVDX Fix = 2 DVDX wads (titles DVDX and DISC) that run under cIOS249 in case DVDX stops working afterwards.
  • You can run backups from the disc channel.

  • HIGH - Brick protection required


Computer ----------------------
1. Not much to do here.. just extract the DARKCORP things to make em usable by the HBC.
Wii ----------------------
2. Go to the Homebrew channel and run the DARKCORP installer. Once its done, it will return to the HBC..
3. If you want, you can run the other two included installers too. These will give you GC Backup launching (from disc channel) and DVDx (if you don't have it yet).

Install IOS70-64-v6687TB+ESdiV+NAND.wad forwarder-UMRD wad You are now set for playing backups on your Wii. Now we are ready with softmodding the Wii, heres a quick tutorial on howto load games onto your usb harddsik drive and play it:. If this is the first time you have used uLoader then firstly connect a USB drive to your Wii. Download the WAD manager and extract the pack to your computer, then copy the apps folder to the SD card, merging it with the existing apps folder. Put the wads you want to install in the 'wad' folder on the SD card/USB device.

Posted by1 year ago

This guide has been written to allow people to read through an easy to use guide instead of watching a video as I know there are people that like to read rather than watch. I will include all things needed to get your Wii modded and ready for games. You will not need an internet connection on the Wii for this mod at all. You will need your console plugged in, an SD card of at least 1gb, and a wireless Wiimote, as well as PC with internet connection to obtain the mod pack I threw together. So having said that, let's get started.

Wii Wads Download

Head over to Please.hackmii.com to get the initial LetterBomb exploit. Go ahead and select your region, then type in your MAC address (Make sure your Wii has been updated to the 4.3u firmware before installing anything to it) and then hit cut the red wire to assure you are not a robot. A file should now download. Open up this file with an archive manager (7Zip, WinRAR, PeaZip, etc). We want to focus on two files which are boot.elf and a numbered file with the extension .000 (which will turn into a folder titled private once extracted). Ignore all of the text (.txt) files. Now that we have extracted those two files, place them on to your SD card and place it in the Wii.

Power up your Nintendo Wii and navigate to the Wii Message Board (again, make sure your Wii is updated to 4.3u!). Scroll back one day and the forward to the current date. You should see a red envelope with a bomb on it. Click on it. It will open and start displaying some random information. Pay no attention to it. It will then come to a screen talking about how this software should not be purchased from someone to mod your system since the software is free. It will sit on this screen for about a minute. It will then say Press 1 to continue across the bottom of the screen. Press 1 to continue. The next screen is just displaying information on whether or not you can install The Homebrew

Channel as well as BootMii as an iOS. Select continue. Once on the next screen, select Install Homebrew Channel. It will then bring you to a screen asking if you would like to continue. Hit yes. It will then install. Once done it should say SUCCESS and give the option to continue. Press continue. It will bring you back to the previous screen. Select BootMii. Go to the top and select Install BootMii as an iOS. It will bring you to the next screen and display some more information about installing files and BootMii. Select continue. It will go through and mount your SD card and write a few files to your Wii's NAND. Select continue once more and it should start installing. If installation completed properly it will pop up and say SUCCESS. Press continue. If it asks you to install Boot2, that is your choice. It is very good brick protection, but I prefer PriiLoader so we will not be installing it in this guide. Go down and select return to the main menu. Once back at the main menu, select exit. It should bring you to The Homebrew Channel main screen. Press the Home button on your Wiimote. A list will then appear. Select Launch BootMii.

Now this is the somewhat tricky part because your Wiimote has now shut off and you are not able to use it while in BootMii. If you have a backwards compatible Wii (RVL-001) and a GameCube controller, you can use it to navigate through the menu. If you have a non backwards compatible Wii (RVL-101) or do not have a GameCube controller you will need to use the Power button and Reset button on your Wii to select options. Do not hold either of the buttons down or your Wii may shutdown / restart. Just press each button once and quickly release.

So now that we are here, we are going to make a back up of the original information stored inside of the NAND in case something were to ever go wrong, you would have that backup. I will put this in bold letters to engrave it into your brain! Lol. POWER BUTTON ADVANCES YOU TO THE NEXT OPTION. THE RESET BUTTON WILL SELECT THAT OPTION. Did you get that? Read it once more. :) For GameCube controller users, when I say press the reset button, you will press A. Now navigate over to the cogs / gears option using the POWER BUTTON. Once there press the RESET BUTTON. It will bring you to another screen and you should already be on the option we want which will be a picture of a NAND chip, an SD card, and a green arrow point towards the SD card. Press the RESET BUTTON to select it. The NAND backup will now begin and it will take some time to backup and then verify. So go find something to do for 10 or 15 minutes.

Now that the NAND is backed up, it should bring you back to the screen we were previously on. Press the POWER BUTTON and go all the way to the right to the grey arrow pointing upwards. Press the RESET BUTTON to return to the main BootMii screen. On the BootMii menu, you should be on the option that says Wii. Press the RESET BUTTON and you will now return to the Wii's main menu. We are done with BootMii and have backed up the Wii's NAND. Time to move over to the PC.

Plug the SD card into your computer. First I recommend making a folder on the root of your SD card titled BACKUP and then place the NAND, Keys, and Installer file inside of it for safe keeping. Lets go ahead and download these files and then extract them http://www.mediafire.com/file/pzdukiav72l4a5x/SelfsModPack4.3U.zip. If you have no program to extract zip files with, PeaZip from http://www.peazip.org/ is a great free program which is what I use. Once extracted you will be left with a folder and then two folders inside of that folder. We will focus on the folder titled ModPack4.3U first since that's what we need to make the apps in the AppPack4.3U folder run properly. Open up the ModPack4.3U folder and drag everything to the ROOT of your SD card.

Apps is going to be the folder we store all of our apps in. Currently we have Multi Mod Manager which will be referred to MMM for the rest of this tutorial. Anyway. Apps for apps. Fceugx is for the NES emulator. This is where you will store your ROMs. This goes for the rest of the emulators as well. Roms folder in each of them. So fceugx is NES, genplus is Sega Genesis, snes9xgx is SNES, and vbagx is Gameboy / Gameboy Advance. The Wad folder is where we will store our .wad files. We will talk more about those here soon. Hacks_Hash is for PriiLoader. Make sure it stays on the ROOT of your SD card. Md5Summer is an MD5 Hash Checker and ModPack.md5 is the Hash. Don't worry about these unless something is missing due to a corrupt download (bad internet, internet interruptions, packet loss, etc). Now that these are all on the ROOT, plug the SD back into the Wii. Do not install the App Pack yet. Less confusion for ya.

SD is now back into the Wii and we are ready to install some iOS and CiOS files plus a few app loaders. Let us proceed. Go into The HomeBrew Channel. You should see 3 items, but we are going to focus on MMM for the first part. Go ahead and select the MMM app. Press load on the pop up screen. Now that we are in MMM you should see a list of options. App Manager, iOS Manager, Wad Manager, etc. We will only be using Wad Manager. So use the D- Pad and scroll down to it and press A to open Wad Manager. Once inside, you will see a list of files. Press down one time on the D-Pad so that we are over a file. Then press the 1 button. It will select all 36 wad files for install and bring you to another screen. Press A and it will install all the files we need. This also takes some time so sit back and relax for a few minutes.

Once done make sure it says all 36 have installed.

If files did not install properly, it is more than likely an SD card issue. You will need to plug the SD card into your computer, make a folder on your desktop titled Wii SD or someting easy to remember. Drag all the contents on the ROOT of your SD into the new folder. Once everything has copied over, format your SD card to FAT32. Once format is complete open the new folder and drag all the contents back to the ROOT of your SD card and then try to reinstall the wad files in MMM.

If the files did install properly, go ahead and press the home button two times. At the very top of the screen it should say it is exiting which will bring you back to The Homebrew Channel. Once back at The Homebrew Channel main screen, select PriiLoader 236 mod if you have a non Motion Plus WiiMote. It will say it across the bottom of the remote right under the Nintendo Wii logo if you have a Motion Plus WiiMote. If you do have one, select PriiLoader for Motion Plus. It will load up a black screen with white lettering. Go ahead and press the plus + button to proceed. It will install and then exit back to The Homebrew Channel. Soooooo. We are almost done! Unplug your SD card from the Wii and put it back into your computer.

Now that we are back at the computer, lets go ahead and get the rest of the apps onto the SD card. Open up your SD card. Open up the App folder. Now open up the AppPack4.3U folder in a new window. Drag all 13 folders into the App folder of your SD card. Remove the SD card from your computer and place it back into your Wii. Now let's go ahead and install the few channel forwarders that aren't in wad form like some others. Press the plus + button to move the menu to the right and the minus - button to move to the left. Lets go to FceuGX Channel Installer first.


Click on it and press continue on the pop up window. It will load up and you will have two options. Install or Cancel. Press install. It will then install. Repeat this process for Snes9xGx Channel Installer, VbagGx Channel Installer, and WiiMC Channel Installer. Once those are all installed, let's head all the way to the right to DVD Installer. Click on it and press continue on the pop up window. You will be left with a few options. We want the very top one. Normal install. Click on it and it will begin installing. Once done, press exit to return to The Homebrew Channel.

Go ahead and press the power button on your Wii to turn it off. Wait 30 seconds. Has 30 seconds passed? Okay, good! Press the power button and then IMMEDIATELY press the reset button and hold it.You should be brought to a white screen with a menu. You can let go of the button. This is PriiLoader. This is why we didn't install Boot2. PriiLoader is a great brick protection tool and has some nice options as well. This is where the hash_hacks.ini file comes in handy that we have on the root of the SD card. Go ahead and scroll down to System Menu Hacks and press A. If it says it cannot find the file, make sure it is labeled exactly as I have it here. hacks_hash Nothing capitalized. No punctuation. Nothing. If it is named right. Delete it from the SD card and add it back onto the ROOT and try again. If everything is fine with the file, it will pop up with a screen and a bunch of options. At the very least we need to have disc updates and online updates blocked. On mine I also have region free everything enabled, region free GC games enabled, region free Wii games enabled, region free Channels, Auto press A at Health Screen, and move disc channel.

Well... Now that we have done all of that work. We are officially done with the mod and you can now add roms into the folders that are on the root of your SD card. Kirk franklin and the family christmas rarol.

Haven't been too active lately but that's changing here soon.

YouTube - H4Ck GAMiNG - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFaTCoqLKZe1LLGscOFNp-g Instagram - @h4ckgaming712

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